Tuesday, July 7, 2009

1 Year Blogaversary!

Well, people, the anniversary of my first post totally passed me by. July 5th was the day I put my little thoughts out into the blogosphere. I am glad that I did this, because it keeps me connected to friends across the globe and has connected me to really cool people I didn't even know. It has also made writing a daily project, which has been very helpful in a bunch of other areas. So thanks for hanging with me this past year. It's been fun!

This past week has been a little, well, overwhelming, for a variety of reasons. I'm trying to keep things on an even keel, but some days just get me down. I think being bummed when it's so hot and beautiful out is a curse, so some changes are in order. I have some things I'm working on and making progress on, so I'm going to keep my chin up and think about the positive. I have also decided to take meditative walks on the beach as often as possible. I started today. It was awesome.

Hope everyone is enjoying July, no matter where you are!

Here's to another year of random ramblings.

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