Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Anybody Home?

I feel like I haven't written a real blog in ages. But my writing in other areas has been going well! I have the second installment of Axis of Ava coming, and hopefully a draft of another chapter. My in-laws are coming in on Thursday, so I'm hoping to get it all done before then. Cross your fingers for me. In the past few weeks I've bought or been given some pretty cool stuff. Here's an update:

I have seen this book at Barnes and Noble forever. It is always there, calling to me. I just liked the cover, and when I saw it was on sale and I had a $15 coupon? Well, needless to say, it's on my coffee table. It is so good. A whole bunch of different kinds of comics inside. I guess people would call them "alternative" comics. All of them are different artistically, and some of them are just images or hints of images. It's a great buy that inspired me to stop being so perfectionist about my comic, because there is more out there than just the superhero comics from DC or Marvel.

Same trip, I picked up this little number. Can you believe it is the first Wonder Woman written by a woman author? It's 2009! In this one, she is dealing with the fallout of having actually killed someone. Apparently, Batman and Superman got their capes all in a twist because she delivered a killing blow to an enemy that would have stopped at nothing to destroy everyone. Seriously, they gave her shit for killing one person who would have destroyed millions of people. But killing is not allowed for heroes or sheroes, so she goes to work as Diana Prince. Along the way, Wonder Woman inevitably has to come out, and she has to fight her own mom! Yikes. But Amazons, so yay!

From the introduction, Jodi Picoult lets us readers know that she tried to get WW out of the bustier, because "as any woman writer would know, it's impossible to fight crime without straps," but the brass at DC totally rejected that idea. And I say BOO to them. Get real DC. Give her some straps!
Another book, yes, but this one is a big help. I am trying to use real tattoos as the basis of my comic tattoos. There's plenty in here. From early tattoo rituals to American side show people to 1950s rebels. Excellent source.
My mom and I went out for a day of manicures and shopping in Corona, and surprisingly I found stuff I liked! And my mom bought it for me! All of it at Anthropologie and Sur La Table. I got two of these sweet green mugs.

A nice sugar bowl. I didn't have one. We were using a mug that I have that has a lid. Sad. But this is super cute and red, of course, to match. My mom was plagued that I didn't buy the matching creamer boat, but honestly, I would never use it. And I like the idea of finding a non-matchy one anyway. But this is a woman who is obsessed with matching. Toenails and fingernails, bras and panties, shoes and belts. I barely got out of there without that matching creamer!
One awesome gift we got from M's brother was this snappy lil digital video camera. You can take two hours of film with it and it has a USB that flips out of the side so you can upload it directly to your computer. I already filmed him eating his very first In n Out burger. I will let you know when that hot video hits YouTube.

We were already having lunch at Canter's so we decided to hit Melrose with M's brother for some walking and shopping. Except that it was 97 degrees. I think we walked 1 block from Canter's and said "why don't we drive." So we got in the car and drove, but it was so hot we decided to just hit one destination. For them, some shoe store, for me Necromance, where I got a lenticular I have been thinking about since two Halloweens ago. $30 folks, frame and all:

She's hanging up in my office at home now, but when the semester starts, I'm taking her to my campus office.

And now, for the biggest of all deals, my new iPhone:

Yesterday I almost threw my Blackberry in the street. This past week it was deleting my incoming texts and not accepting emails all the time. It finally refused to accept texts at all. So I restarted it after taking the battery out. Then it kept saying things were "null" and finally it said "SIM card rejected." I couldn't make a phone call!

So on my way home from a shave ice with Brande at Bogart's coffee shop in Seal Beach, I stopped at the AT&T store and got me that little number up there. I've been visiting this phone for a year at the Apple store. Finally, we are together. And it's a real phone not from eBay and not a faux version of the iPhone like I'm prone to buying because I'm cheap. Thank you Apple for making the iPhone $99. I heart you.

My very first app purchased? Period tracker. It tracks your cycle so you don't have to. Joy! And then of course I downloaded apps for Twitter and Facebook. I'm connected, y'all.

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