Wednesday, July 7, 2010

face kande | the 10 minute makeup routine

Whether you are in a hurry or prefer a no-fuss makeup routine here is a how-to on creating an everyday look in 10 minutes flat with my sister, Stacia modeling. Just spend 1 minute on each step.

“For there is no friend like a sister, in calm or stormy weather, to cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands.” -Christina G. Rossetti
Our before look. eek!

Step 1:
Prime: A primer is a must – it helps smooth out a complexion, conceal large pores, control oily skin and sets your makeup.
:: product: choose the best primer for your skin – I recommend checking out Sephora for several options.

Base: Especially for summer the best choice is a mineral powder. Apply in circles with a large brush or with a foundation brush for more coverage.

Conceal: Whether you have blemishes or dark circles a little concealing will go a long way to waking up your face and giving a more even complexion. Here we used a treated concealing pen and dabbed some white on the inside of Stacia’s eyes and some light concealer underneath.
:: product: Proactiv’s tinted concealer for blemishes and Pixie Beauty highlighting kit for eye concealer

Step 2:
Contour: Contour with a few strokes – start my making a fish face and contour right underneath the apples of your cheeks. Then with the excess apply to your temples, your jaw line and the sides of your nose.

Highlight: Highlight your cheekbone and your eyelid with a highlighting powder.
:: product: Pictured here on Stacia is Mac’s shimmer powder (one of me and my sister’s fav products)

Step 3:
Eyeliner: All you need for a quick makeup look is eyeliner – eye shadow isn’t necessary. Apply the liner carefully to make sure the line is smooth and perfectly applied. Here we’ve done a slight wing on the outside of the eye. We also added liner underneath for definition to show off her big, green eyes.

Eyebrows: Fill in your eyebrows with a pencil and shape with a brush
:: product: I love Mac Cosmetics blonde eyeliner called Lingering – it worked great on my sister’s brunette brows too

Step 4:
Curl lashes: Don’t skip this step – it will go a long way to waking up your eyes. When curling make sure to get the lashes from corner to corner and hold for 5 seconds.
:: tip: For a more dramatic curl warm the curler under the blow dryer or car heater for a few seconds.

Mascara: Layer a couple of coats of mascara on your top lashes –here we’ve applied to the bottom lashes as well.
:: product: Here we used Stacia’s fav – Cover Girl's Lash Blast.

Step 5:
Lip color: To finish apply a tinted lip gloss.
:: product: I used a coral Beauty Rush lipgloss by Victoria’s Secret

...10 minutes later

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