Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer in the City

Oh I do think I'm ready for an end to this heat wave. I used to think when people said "it's hot, but it's a dry heat so it's not so bad" that they were crazy. Excessive heat is bad! But having lived in a humid climate for the past month, I have to say that is a true statement. Humidity makes you more tired.

When it gets too hot, your body tries to lose heat by losing water (aka sweating). This is supposed to cool you off when it evaporates. In a dry heat, evaporation happens quick and you get some relief. In humid climates, the sweat pools or drips off, which leads to overheating. You get heat stroke from too much of this if you don't balance it out with enough water and periodic cooling off periods in shade or indoors. Also drinking vodka-7ups doesn't help.

It usually requires a humidity index of 70% or more to get what I call "bad." It's been in the 85-95% range pretty much since I got here. And in the past week, over 100 degrees.Yesterday we got lucky though, and it rained so we got to get out of the house finally. I know, that sounds nuts. It was still warm and a little sticky out, but the overnight rain and morning sprinkling really cut down on the uncomfortableness, so we ventured out. We walked around the city, going to lunch at a Mexican place called "Jose Pistolas" which is hilarious to me. It was good food (I had the carnitas tacos) and a nice little spot, but they only had one Mexican beer and about 100 other beer choices.

Oh, by the way, I'm a real artist now. I sold something in my Etsy shop. The Sweet Lady Shop is now open for business on Etsy. Go on over there and take a look at my little creations. If you see something you like but would like a customized version, I might be able to help you out, so contact me. I actually sold a piece in the collection. I sold two, actually, one was to a friend. She was my first customer, which I'm super excited about. It's kind of nice to know your first customer. Another was from an Etsy user from Tennessee! Love from friends and family about my new business has been really great. I'm glad I got it off the ground on time and that I'm very driven to continue working on stuff for the store. I have a few new pieces in mind already.

Here's hoping my next post has some pictures of my pretty painted place!

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