Monday, August 23, 2010

days like this

Some days are better left unblogged. I thought today would be one of those days. I tried to not write, but then I felt bad about not writing on account of my 365 blog challenge. The "lecture half" of my brain argued that the point of such a challenge is to write when you least want to, as a document of every day. The "I know lecture-half is right but I hate that she is right" half of my brain sulked and said "nuh nuh nuh, every day, thbbt." That half didn't exactly go to improv comedy school.

Anyway, the reason today sucks and I didn't want to write is because it's the first day of the fall semester, both here at most of the universities and at my old place. You know, where I've taught for the past five years. It sucks being unemployed today.  M tried to cheer me up by taking me to Whole Foods for lunch and some shopping, and that did work for a minute, but I got bummed when we got home. So I sprung up and went out to center city to visit the Mutter Museum. I haven't been there since the first visit in 2007. It wasn't much different than the last time, though the section with original postcards and posters of conjoined twin circus acts was pretty much gone. Only Chang & Eng really get their due. The gift shop had some really cool finds.

I bought this poster:

Several artists I have seen about the web have items there, including Madame Talbot, who made the poster above. I love looking through her store, so it is actually nice to get something finally. There were really neat prints and day of the dead things, but they aren't in the online store. And also they were kind of expensive, and given what happened next, I'm kind of glad I didn't spend the money.

As soon as I stepped out of the museum and made my way 6 blocks to the Barnes and Noble, it started to pour. Like the kind of rain you see in movies and think is totally fake. The kind that drenches you in 3 minutes. I had no umbrella, my glasses on, and no product in my hair. Finally I had to stop and get somewhat dry, so, like an oasis in the desert (in this case the desert is the two blocks of churches and salons) a Gap outlet popped up. I didn't even know it existed. I bought an umbrella and a new pair of jeans all at 30% off. I managed to get to the Barnes and Noble, and after that took the bus home, but by the time I got to my door I was tired, still very damp and warm, and my hair looked SO bad. Poofy and wiry and giant.

Is the lesson here that I should stay in on bad days and just hide out? Or is it good that I got out and took my mind off things? I know what my mom would say. She'd tell me that I should feel really lucky after seeing so many deformed and wounded people (at the museum). I should think about all the good things I've got going. Like only having one head and not having to  have any thing supremely giant lasered off. And she'd probably add that "things will get better, you'll see." I have a good mom.

Hopefully tomorrow I will hit the pavement and do so with better spirits. But before I hibernate for the rest of the evening, I thought I should write a little something. They can't all be winners.

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