Friday, January 14, 2011


Would you buy a used Landspeeder from this alien?

A close-up shot of the barely seen Landspeeder dealer Wioslea, working within the Mos Eisley spaceport, whom Luke sells his speeder to for much needed currency. In the STAR WARS Expanded Universe, the alien is a she from a race called the Vuvrian. Though at least one close image was photographed showing Luke and Obi-Wan with the creature (below), it's unknown so far (though I might be proved wrong by the upcoming Blu-ray cut scenes!) as to whether any extra footage was filmed with it, played by UK extra Barry Copping, bar the long shot moment ultimately seen in the film. Obviously, dialogue for the bartering scene would eventually be created by the late Brian Daley's for his acclaimed NPR dramatisation of the film.

With thanks to Chris Baker for the main image.

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