Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ever just feel really overwhelmed? I've had a busy, crappy few weeks, actually. Though my doctor visit was definitely an improvement on the last, I'm not counting it as a shining moment. Since there was so much stress leading up to it, and even though it went great, a morning in stirrups does not qualify as "shining moment" to me. I'm grading midterms and hating it. I just hate grading. I long for a student assistant. My recent guest really put me behind in terms of getting writing done, and the IRS just found some stupid discrepancy in our tax return from 2008, making me freak out and basically requiring a million pieces of paper to go through the mail. Arg. Also, the war of ovarian aggression still rages. I'm like, totally baby crazy, but I can't do much about it until we move and at least one of us has a job. Right? Sigh.

Oh also, I'm moving my entire life thousands of miles away. Slowly.

Anyway, this is my lame way of saying that I know the blog hasn't been updated too regularly, but I will be sort of up and down in the coming months.

Things to look forward to?

Once June comes around and my teaching duties and writing duties are no longer an issue, I'll be hanging out here all the time!

I don't plan on being unemployed for long, but I imagine there will be some down time. I have some tentative plans to start an Etsy site to sell my crafty wares. Just as a side gig. I may aggressively promote here. And there. And everywhere. I'm thinking "The Sweet Lady Shop." Coming soon!

The cookbook goes into full effect this summer. I am hoping to put together a book proposal, and probably do some more translations. I hope my new kitchen has lots of light!

I plan to document the road trip in a multi-media kind of way. We've got one of those flip video cameras, so some road trip gems will definitely make it here. Of course there will be pictures. That goes without saying.

I also think that I should truly document what happens when I travel for too long, Sweet Lady's traveler insanity. Anyone who has road tripped with me knows, at some point, I get giddy and stupid and say things that aren't funny and then laugh like it's comedy gold. I will also laugh at inappropriate and horrible things. I probably won't put this on video, but I plan on having a notepad handy. That thing may provide us all with digital entertainment.

I made pizza using Trader Joe's pizza dough tonight. If I get my grading done tomorrow, I'll show you how I did it!

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