Thursday, June 3, 2010

Googled Doppelganger

 I Googled myself. I haven't in a long time. I think it must be years now, because I was utterly surprised that there are other gals out there with my name. I don't have a popular name. My last name is really rare, actually, which is partly why I kept it when I got married. It's mine, it's strange, and it goes with my first and middle name. But I found a gal who has the same first and last. Turns out, she's a doppelganger. She's not my twin in terms of looks, but only in terms of her minimal public Facebook profile bits. Yes, demographically, we are one.

Her favorite TV shows? True Blood, Criminal Minds, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

I LOVE those shows.

She published some comment on fan art for a Twilight site. I would totally do that! I thought it was me, and that I'd forgotten.

She rules.

Before I got her picture, I was not convinced she was real. I kept finding random little profiles with not much info on her. I thought maybe (in a demented dream-stress-moving-writing-hating-pms-fugue state), someone had decided to use my identity to create their online avatar. Or it was a drag queen working on a persona. Wouldn't that be the best thing that ever happened to you? I know there was that episode of  Sex & the City where Samantha runs into the ex that is "her" now at a drag cabaret and is horrified, but this would be different. Classier, I think. Anyway, I would be forever in the debt of anyone who performed in drag as me.

But I eventually (6 minutes later) found her pic. She's a real girl, which is cool too! M., my husband, also has a guy with his same name that is a bit of an inside joke betwen. Less rare, because his name isn't so rare, but still not a popular name. His doppelganger is really into robots. Like really. This dude is a robot freak. Online anyway. And he lives in Philadelphia. What if we meet him and have to have a robot battle?

I could be going insane because of the stress, but this entertained me for this evening, which is more than I can say for the Avatar blu-ray disc we got from Netflix.  Dances With Wolves With Blue People. Or the latest Anita Blake novel. I can't even catch a break with my reading for pleasure. But Doppelganger gal, you and me are alright! Say, do you happen to like writing dissertations on web communities? Because if so, you should call me. 

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