Friday, August 20, 2010


Guess what, folks? Fall stuff is in the stores already! Which means Halloween is everywhere. I went to AC Moore (which is like a Michael's Crafts) and it is bananas. They had so many Martha Stewart things that were awesome! I am broke, so I couldn't buy them all, but dammit I really wanted these, which were only 14 dollars:

"Don't forget" party invitations that feature a box with a severed finger tied with a tiny black ribbon. Yes, they come with the fingers!

I broke down and bought a skull mold for ice. It's a giant sized skull that you make for a big bowl of punch. I also got these little treat wrappers, on account of the vampire of course. 

I looked but didn't see my favorite magazine of the entire year, the Martha Stewart Halloween magazine. I hope it comes out soon.

In non-Halloweeny, non-vampirey news, it is still over 90 degrees every damn day. I think today it was 95 pretty much all day. It's supposed to be hot in August, but it's been scorching since June 15th (the day we moved in) and I'm kind of done with being sweaty now. A short walk to the local grocery store and my hair is damp. Will I be cursing myself when it's snowing and I have to walk to the market on slippery sidewalks? Who knows, but I know I miss sleeves and would really really love to wear jackets. Even a light jacket at night would be nice. I hear southern California has been having a very mild and tolerable summer. I would like to take credit for that, since for the past 5 years it was pretty gross in our apartment. Me leaving must have been the cue for the spectacular weather!

I have to go make about 20 teeny tiny books for a Sweet Lady Shop thing, but tomorrow I'm going to a farmers market/craft fair in the Northern Liberties section of Philadelphia. I'll have good pics and tales from that and will (hopefully) stop complaining about the weather!

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