Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wish Lists

I almost forgot to blog today. It's like day 3. Seriously, that's sad. I was reminded by a package coming in the mail. I got my purchase from The Black Apple, a lovely print from her Lost on the Midway series:

I had been meaning to do a blog on Emily Martin, who makes these wonderful paintings, prints and other things that I have been drooling over for some time. I decided that once she made the Midway series, which is so up my alley, and featured conjoined twins (my most favorite/most frightening thing), I had to get one, but the painting was sold out so I got the print. You should visit her shop, she has a really good style and is prolific, so you'll always find good things. Even her business card is adorable.

I am treasuring this print and can't wait to frame it and put it somewhere in my apartment. I think I will freak out guests, but hey, they've made it far enough inside the place by that point that it would seem rude to run away screaming, right? 

I don't know if Etsy has a wish list function, but if it did, her tattooed lady and fiji mermaid prints would be on mine! I should look into the wish list thing....hmm...

Don't you just love wish list technology? I mean, it has revolutionized gift giving. You can give someone not only something they like, but something they wanted anyway! My Amazon wish list is the only list I seem to keep now, since they added the feature where you can link to things outside of the Amazon site. I had my Nook there (hee). I got a lot of wished for items for my birthday, including a Martha Stewart heat gun. I can now make my embossed stamps come to life. I am sure that you are just on the edges of your seats waiting for evidence of that, but you'll have to wait.

Anyway, I once had dinner with my mom and brothers and we were all talking about who gives the best gifts in the family. My brother Robert and I both agreed that my Tio Rafe wins hands down because he respects the wish list. Don't get me wrong, I would just as easily love a thoughtful gift that isn't on my list if you find one, but damn, don't work too hard to try and find something since, as Robert said, "those are my wishes." Do you think wish lists are annoying? Have they sucked the fun out of gift giving? Or have they saved us from disappointing people and being disappointed?
I am lucky enough to have people in my life who gave me gifts, and in this, my brokest of hours. I have one paycheck left from my Spring 2010 teaching gig. Fall 2010 semesters are starting next week all around Philly, so it looks like I'm out of luck for teaching this fall. I do have some things to do. I'm actually swamped with writing for the diss, work for Sweet Lady Shop:

Which seems to be taking me forever lately. I can't seem to get into the fast-track crafting mindset I'd been in for the past 3 months. What's up with that?! Going to the gym is one way I'm lighting a fire under my own behind, though. It seems to wake me up and get me moving even after a long session. But I'm still trying to hustle up a job. We'll see how that goes. Wish me luck.

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