Friday, September 24, 2010

Martha Stewart Owes Me $10

I bought the Martha Stewart Halloween magazine. I think you remember when I wrote about it last, it was a rough day for me. I settled in with my cocktail, mint Milano cookies and the magazine. And though there were a few cool things in there, I was surprised that so many of the items were from previous Martha Stewart Halloween magazines.

The mice silhouettes, which I love, the hanging spider eggs, also very creepy. A lot of things were from Halloweens past. I kind of felt bummed on it, because that magazine is $10. For one magazine. I keep them and use them for inspiration year after year, so I figured it was like a book. I could rationalize investing in it even during this dark (read: broke) time.

I gave Martha the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she's maxed out on Halloween decor ideas, or didn't have anything on par with the cool things from past issues. And then I went to get a haircut (short bob with bangs, a sweet lady classic). As I'm waiting for my haircut, I'm reading this:
I don't buy the regular Martha magazine, so I was glad to see it...until I saw all the amazing Halloween things in it!! Things that were not in the specifically designed for Halloween Martha Stewart Halloween Magazine!

Things like this:

Or this:

Pumpkin designs that were different from the ones in the other magazine too. Hey Martha, I feel like maybe instead of those rehashed crafts from years past, you shoulda doubled up on these instead!

So basically this woman owes me $10. Because I expect a new magazine each October with totally new crafts and things inside. I think you could even use a different color scheme or incorporate older things into newer decorations, but to just re-use the pictures from two magazines ago? Not cool.


I cooled my heels after this and went to Target (the good one), and splurged on a couple things:

I bought two of these. At $4 each, I am pretty stoked. Why yes there is a cocktail in there. If Sweet Lady wants her cocktail in a gothic plastic goblet, she gets it.

And I also got these serving forks, which were sold out online:
They had them in a black plastic, but these are metal. So good! The checker at Target was an older African American lady who remarked that they were "something else" and not in the "the things people come up with these days" kind of way. It was more like "what kind of total weirdo buys this crap?" That would be me.

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