Friday, October 22, 2010


With the start of the new Third Season of THE CLONE WARS in the UK this weekend, we're getting another 22 episodes full of STAR WARS goodness. Some of these new season episodes were created during Season Two and held over for Three, a practice that also previously applied with Season One (where the superb CARGO OF DOOM, listed in books at the time for the premiere year (to have been transmitted before what was later to be Cad Bane's first appearance in HOSTAGE CRISIS), was held over as the second episode of Season Two instead). But there's one episode from Season One, also listed on many fan sites and online episodes guides in 2008/2009, which seems to have disappeared never to be seen again- I'm talking about the evocatively titled BATTLE FOR THE MIDNIGHT SHADOW. Exactly just what is the Midnight Shadow of the title? A planet? A spaceship? A disease? Does anybody out there have any more details on the "lost" story and why it had disappeared from the run? Was it an early title for an episode we've already seen (like the BLUE SHADOW VIRUS), perhaps? Did it even exist, or was it an early idea abandoned, or, more excitingly, an idea being re-configured as an episode for a later season?

If anyone can help solve the mystery, please get in touch...

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