Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Early Riser

I think I may have turned a corner on to Olds street, because not only do I get up early every day, I get up earlier than necessary. I get up in time to have breakfast before I leave the house. This, if you know me, is unheard of. In years past I would gladly scarf down a granola bar and wait until lunch to have a real meal if it meant 15 minutes more of sleep. Nor could I have a decent conversation or formulate thoughts. All along our road trip this was how we both entered the world each day.

But these days, I'm up and showered and ready to go and now I'm even blogging. Yes, awake enough to form sentences! Crazy. What is this about? Will I be one of those people who has dinner at 3:30 and gets into bed at 8pm? All I know is that I wake up every day before my alarm. I don't know if I'm ready for "the change" you guys. Maybe it's just a phase.

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