Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Dude, seriously, what the hell is going on? After my "sad week" I thought things were on the way up because Halloween was awesome! I had a great time, I had a cool costume, it was COLD so my costume didn't make me sweat like costumes have every year of my life.

Here we are at the bar:

I was a cat burglar. Get it? A cat that burgles? I guess you can't see it too well, but I am wearing a black turtleneck, black jeans, boots and leather gloves. I had a bit of rope attached to my belt, a leather mask and fluffy cat ears. I made the money bag too!

The outside of the bag is white felt with a black felt dollar sign. I wanted it to be my purse for the night so I decided to make it a little thicker and more sturdy by adding a layer of white muslin and a lining. The inside of the bag is lined with a bright day of the dead fabric. It all ties together with a black ribbon that I tied around my wrist. An excellent way to carry a purse with a costume. I always feel like purses ruin costumes!

We had a great time at Sugar Moms, which is fast becoming our local bar. Not walkable, but still cheap, with surly bartenders, and a crowd that isn't too yuppified.

So that was Saturday night, and Sunday was actually Halloween. I didn't go out again, but we walked the dog in his little costume! I saw a ton of kids walking around trick or treating in my neighborhood. I haven't seen that many kids out in a few years. Maybe it's the neighborhoody part of the city we live in, with lots of row homes. There are plenty of kids to go out and plenty of houses that leave lights on for the kids. So cute.

And then I got stuck in the elevator.

Yes, my building tried to eat me alive. I took the dog out for his last walk at 9:45, and as we went back up in the elevator around 10, it did a funny thing. It stopped at my floor and made a big "clank clang ping" noise. And the door wouldn't open. I press the "door open" button, naturally. Nothing. I then realize that something is wrong. Of course, I don't have my cell phone with me.

I'm only at the 3rd floor though, so I figure I should send the car back down to the ground floor and maybe that door will open. And if there is something wrong, I'm not falling from three floors up. I go down, and it still doesn't open. Even more fun, at each floor that "clang" noise happens, and it causes the elevator car to sway a bit. So I'm starting to realize the elevator is broken. I press the call button and get the front desk, they send someone out right away. Three guys from maintenance try and pry the door open, but it takes an hour before I'm let out of there, during which someone calls the elevator to the 12th floor and someone else to the 3rd, making it sway and clang all the way up and down. 

Luckily, I had my dog with me. This made things good for two reasons. 1) I had somebody to talk to so I wouldn't go insane, and 2) I had to make sure he wasn't freaked out, so I had to act calm and maintain. He was shaking and concerned about all the noise, but didn't cry or bark, even when they had to use excessive force to open the door. They didn't use the jaws of life. More like the big screwdriver of life, to pry apart the broken piece that held me captive. Not exactly a harrowing ordeal, but dude, I thought I'd be in there for a long time.

In the elevator, while I listened to two guys try to figure out an elevator they knew little about, I had time to think about things. I could have easily been like "why me, harumph, life sucks," and be a big debbie downer, but instead I had some humor about it. I was immensely thankful that I didn't download the M. Knight Shyamalan movie Devil, about people who get trapped in an elevator with the devil. I was happy that I only live on the third floor, so if I never wanted to enter that elevator again, I wouldn't have to.

I also thought, and this is a big revelation, that this has gotta be the effing low, right? I mean, I think I have accrued some points, and good things will be happening in the near future. I think that things will look up. Because if they don't, I'm going full devil worshipper/witch/voodoo priestess and I'm gonna send out some negative vibes into the universe. I'm going to cast spells, and I'm going to hoard prizes all to myself, and I'm never going to turn in wallets that I find on the street, and I will focus anger and hatred on my enemies via demon worship. So, clearly I'm going to win a million dollars or a unicorn will arrive to take me to work each day. You should totally be friends with me now, so when I ride by on my unicorn (kind of a pegasus unicorn combo, like Rainbow Brite used to ride), I can totally take you to work too. I think the elevator made me crazy.

Rainbows and cultural sensitivity (spearheaded by a little white girl) for everyone!

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