Sunday, November 21, 2010

Harry Potter & My Lovely Husband

Work is still exhausting and ridiculous, so I haven't seen HP7 yet. I didn't exactly do anything important this weekend that would have prevented me from going to see it, but I didn't really want to see it on opening weekend with a million other people. I was looking into going after work one day this week as a sort of gift to myself. So I looked into it and it's playing closest at the IMAX theater in the Franklin Institute, which is supposed to be a really cool way to see a movie. Giant screen. All that jazz. And walking distance from my apartment. I've never seen a movie there, so I posted a status update on Facebook inquiring if anyone had and if it was worth the exorbitant ticket price.

My dear husband saw the post and asked me if I wanted to go with him sometime this week. Like, together. Both of us. Here's how it went down:

M: "You want to see that movie? Maybe we could go this week after you get home from work."
Sweet Lady: "You want to go with me to see Harry Potter?"

M: "I know you want to see it. I'll go with you."

Sweet Lady: "That's very sweet but you don't have to do that."

M: "It's a cool place to see a movie. I'd totally go."

Sweet Lady: "You'd go to see Harry Potter, a movie about magic and wands and spells and elves? A movie that's 140 minutes long?

M: "That's over 2 hours!"

Sweet Lady: "A movie that is the 7th installment in a story you have never once read or seen?"

M: "Yeah I'm not going to that."

Sweet Lady: "You're adorable though. That counts."

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