Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Imperial Stormtrooper promotional art linked to the US HISTORY CHANNEL's original 2007 premiere.  
There's a big treat in store for UK STAR WARS, and film fans in general, on Sunday 7th November, as the HISTORY CHANNEL (SKY CHANNEL 529 and HD 545, and VIRGIN CHANNEL 234) finally gets to show the highly successful, critically acclaimed 2007 documentary STAR WARS: THE LEGACY REVEALED - a look back at the entire six film saga, its genesis by creator George Lucas, iconic characters (like the Imperial Stormtroopers pictured above), its story history and mythology (and how its symbiotically linked to our own past), and packed with fantastic, classic clips, behind the scenes footage and discussions from the top people in the movie and entertainment industries (including premiere directors like THE LORD OF THE RINGS Peter Jackson), as well as noted scientists and historians, about why STAR WARS is so important to us in our modern culture.

Witness the evolution of the heroic Rebel Alliance's X-wing fighters. More 2007 US promotional art.
Here's a nice clip courtesy of our friends at HISTORY CHANNEL UK:

As well as STAR WARS, HISTORY also have a top night of programmes related to other legendary stories and characters from myth than have been translated to the celluloid screen, from the always intriguing Robin Hood to Sherlock Holmes.

Here's HISTORY's press info for the line-up:


THE REAL ROBIN HOOD                                              A& E      THC Prem
The Real Robin Hood distinguishes between historical evidence and Hollywood fiction, and seek to create a realistic portrait of the mythical hero - revealing the fascinating history behind the man and the creation of his legend. The special will include clips from the film as well as interviews with director Ridley Scott, Russell Crowe and renowned historians.Sunday 28th November at (2hr)

STAR WARS: THE LEGACY REVEALED                      Lucasfilm  UK Prem
Star Wars Legacy Revealed takes a profound look at the serious subtext behind Lucas’ fantasy milestone. Guiding us through the journey are a diverse mix of politicians, historians, authors and artists. They include Tom Brokaw, Nancy Pelosi, Dan Rather, Newt Gingrich, author Camille Paglia, filmmaker Peter Jackson (The Lord of the Rings), J.J. Abrams (co-creator of Lost), Joss Whedon (creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and many more.Sunday 28th November at 9pm (2hr)

Also included in HISTORY & HOLLYWOOD is…The True Story: The Silence of the Lambs (), 300 Spartans (), The Search For Burke and Hare () & The Real Sherlock Holmes ().

And check out STAR WARS.COM previous 2007 article when the show originally aired at Memorial Day in the US:

Plus some clips from the HISTORY CHANNEL's US site:

We'll be reviewing STAR WARS: THE LEGACY REVEALED shortly, so keep an eye out for it.

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