Friday, December 31, 2010

12 Things

12 Great Things that Happened this Year

1. Moved to Philadelphia

2. Started the Sweet Lady Shop

3. Got my awesome Wonder Woman tattoo!

4. Went on a great trip to San Francisco

5. I learned that teaching is what I really need to do to be happy.

6. The decision to move made us appreciate all the great things (and people) in California.

7. Visited Justine in St. Louis. We both had big moves this summer!

8. Learned the value of my worldly goods once I had to cram them into a moving van and downsize my living space.

9. Created a respectable career wardrobe that didn't consist of t-shirts or jeans.
10. Read so many books and saw so many movies about vampires and I'm still into the genre

11. Made serious progress with the dissertation. The end is in sight.

12. Learned that driving across country with two pets and spending at least 120 hours in a row with my husband for company proves that I at least made one excellent decision in my life. We didn't fight once, and we laughed more than bitched. That's love, folks.

Happy New Year!
May 2011 be better than 2010

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