Monday, April 25, 2011

Got Any Ghost Stories?

I've been watching way too many haunting/ghost hunter/ghost story programs and films lately! It's got me thinking about the topic in a lot of different ways. Not just the "are ghosts real" thoughts (please take the poll on the right sidebar!), but also the "why do we care about ghost stories" thoughts. A post elaborating on this is forthcoming, but I would like to encourage my readers to share a ghost story with me. I rarely request contributions from my readers, but it's been so long since I really hung out with you guys, I thought it would be cool to incorporate you in a different way from polls and comments. I won't name you or use your contact info, and if you don't want me to, I won't quote from your story (perhaps paraphrase or recap it in a general way). It can be a story that you heard that scared you, or one that you/someone you know experienced, or something about how you don't believe in ghosts (a not-ghost story). Or it could be a ghost story joke. I would love to hear from everyone! Ghost fake-outs are also cool stories, so if you were ever scared of a ghost that turned out to be a noisy water heater, pass it along as well.

Please feel free to leave it in comments or email it to me at sweetladylosesit ( yahoo ( com.

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