Sunday, August 30, 2009

New Website For Ava

Hey folks, I've been working hard on my comic, Axis of Ava: The Undead Adventures of Ava Perez. This weekend was made up of 30% work for next week's classes and 70% work on the new website. Yes, that's right, Axis of Ava finally has its own website with a comic-friendly design. Click on this link to visit her new home:!

There's a neat list of comics I visit on the regular on the website, so you can check out some professionals and their cool work.

Designing websites is hard work, and I'm kind of glad I'm too poor to afford a decent web designer, because it was a good, if not necessarily fun, learning experience.

I've even got my own nifty e-mail address:

The blog is still up and will be used for the wordy aspects of publishing an online comic. Research I've been doing, any progress Ava's made outside of my little group of readers who know me (if that happens), and anything else that I can think of. So visit the blog too.

For those of you who don't already know, Axis of Ava is my webcomic. I write, ink, and color the thing. It's my way of not just commenting on pop culture, but making it as well. It's about a half-vampire, half-human gal living in Long Beach, California who spends her time fighting vampires, saving humans, and sometimes vice-versa. Go check it out.

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