Sunday, July 31, 2011

eye kande | Amy Adams' bad hair in movie roles

Okay, so let's get the reasoning behind my blogosphere absence out of the way. It started with being pregnant, starting the Bump to Baby blog, then I had a baby boy followed by maternity leave, back to a full-time job and finally my military husband deploying for 6 months.

Here's the sweet proof:

Cooper at one week old

Forgiven? Good, let's get back to the blog.

I just rewatched Julie & Julia which by very nature of the storyline got me excited to pick the laptop back up and get writing. The only thing I don't love about this movie is Julie's/Amy Adams hair and makeup. Some Hollywood starletts look their best in movies; Amy looks best off of the silver screen.

Note: Amy's caugh my eye more than once - she was also featured on the Hollywood Gingers blog post here.

Julie & Julia: Julie reading juxtiposed by a pic of Amy on the red carpet

Which got me thinking of her more famous (to me) movie roles where she's been cast with the unfourtanate role of bad hair and makeup:

There's of course Julie & Julia:

Julie & Julia: lobster killing scene juxtiposed by a beautiful shot of her on the red carpet

Then there is The Fighter. Blue scrunchie - enough said:

The Fighter: Scene with Wahlberg juxtiposed by a ad for Amy
Her red hair is a gorgeous color - isn't it?

and Catch Me If You Can:
Catch Me If You Can: Amy with fake braces juxtiposed with her at a Hollywood event
By the way I love Amy with a ponytail - I think it's one of her best looks.

Are there movies that she looks as stunning on as she does off-screen? Sure there is - take Confessions of a Shopaholic... oh wait that's Isla Fisher - I always mix these two up.

What role does Amy play where she looks as beautiful as she is?
xoxo - kande

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