Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I had to call in today and cancel class. It's my day where I only have one class, we're doing the same stuff I did in yesterday's classes. It's my easy-peasy day. No prep necessary, just walk right up to the podium and do my thing. This is not the kind of day you want to have to call in. You want to take a sick day when you haven't prepped enough (which I think, for me, is virtually impossible. I am always overprepped), or maybe if you have technical difficulties. But I had to stay home, you see because my dog, my tiny tiny dog who weighs only 13 lbs, managed to knock me over on our morning walk.

Being that I'm apparently a thousand years old, I didn't just bounce back up. Oh no, I managed to hurt both my ankle (on the left side) and my neck/shoulder area on the right side! Double trouble! Since I had some time to myself to relive the experience over and over, I drew a little cartoon to help us all visualize the event!

Here's what it looked like:

I'm just about to pick up his mess when a squirrel dashes right by him from the tree to the house.

He, of course, takes this opportunity to run, pulling me backwards. Poop bag flies out of my hand and I end up on my bum. This managed to pull my ankle from a knotty section of roots and twist it.

Immediately, I could feel that my neck and shoulder had been strained as well. I look over to see my dog....

And I see this, smiley little face, basically saying
"Did you see that squirrel!? It was awesome! Why are you on the ground?"


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